Наразі innovator.name є зареєстрованим та очікує подальшого налаштування у панелі керування послугами на сайті www.ukrnames.com.
Якщо ви є реєстрантом (власником) домену innovator.name, для налаштування, вам буде необхідно авторизуватися на www.ukrnames.com/ukr/login/ за допомогою Email та паролю.
Хостинг для розміщення сайту innovator.name, безкоштовний тестовий період
Для зв’язку з власником домену використовуйте цю сторінку.
Here are some ideas for your future innovator.name site that we can offer you:
1. Virtual Collaboration Platform: Create a virtual collaboration platform where innovators from all over the world can come together to share ideas, work on projects, and connect with potential investors. 2. AI-powered Idea Generator: Develop an AI-powered idea generator that uses algorithms and data analysis to suggest potential ideas and solutions for specific industries or problems. 3. Global Innovation Challenges: Host global innovation challenges on the site, inviting individuals and teams to compete and showcase their ideas and solutions for real-world problems. 4. Mentorship Program: Create a mentorship program where experienced innovators can offer guidance and support to aspiring innovators, helping them develop their ideas and navigate the innovation process. 5. Innovation Marketplace: Build an online marketplace where innovators can showcase and sell their products or services, connecting them with potential customers and investors. 6. Innovation Education Hub: Develop an education hub on the site, offering online courses, workshops, and resources to help individuals learn about innovation and develop their skills. 7. Innovation Networking Events: Host virtual networking events, bringing together innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors to connect, share ideas, and collaborate. 8. Innovation Funding Database: Create a comprehensive database of funding opportunities for innovators, including grants, venture capital, and crowdfunding options. 9. Industry-specific Communities: Build industry-specific communities on the site, allowing innovators to connect with others in their field and share knowledge, resources, and opportunities. 10. Innovation News and Trends: Curate a section on the site dedicated to innovation news and trends, keeping users updated on the latest developments and opportunities in the world of innovation.
Якщо ви власник домену innovator.name і бажаєте вимкнути відображення паркувальної сторінки - видаліть А-запис для субдомену @ в меню «Управління DNS»